Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Midnite Madness TCU-SMU Tailgate Photos

Saturday, September 21, 2019

It takes three? Good thing it wasn't a large grill!

TCU alum Frank Everts

TCU alum Don Williams

(photos above and below) TCU fans Barb and Tim Laska

(photos above and below) The recent birthdays of TCU alums Bob Dixon and Cathy Johnson were celebrated during the tailgate.

The recent birthdays of TCU alum Don Williams and his wife, Cathy, were celebrated during the tailgate.

TCU alum Ed Coble and TCU fan Gail Smith

TCU alums Cathy and Barry Johnson

TCU fans Todd Laska and Linda Nanowsky

TCU alum Jim Marston (left) and TCU alum and retired State District Judge Scott McCown

Even Super Frog enjoys tailgating!

TCU alum Barry Johnson greets Super Frog.

The Laska family (from left to right), Tim, Barb and Todd, earned the Golden Frog Award for grilling brats for the hungry tailgating crowd!

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